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Grow Your Business

Enjoy Your Life

Powerful Business Coaching that Works


Why you need a business coach


Your thoughts race from... 

tunnel vision - working IN your business


paralysis by analysis where you chase every opportunity and make no progress.

Business Coaching helps you...

see yourself and your business objectively.

With this objective viewpoint,

you'll  create the success you hope for with your business and your life.

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Kelly Klohs Grady
Owner, Tender Loving Carats

Jeff listens to your needs. He made my business more efficient with less stress! The systems he helped me put in place are genius. I take home twice as much money and work half as much. He knows how to help you make & save more money. I was a very mom & pop, paper receipt kind of girl… scared of computer spreadsheets, paperwork, taxes, & hiring someone to help. Jeff made it all easier, more organized, and calmed me down.

Why Mechanics & Mindset?

When running a business you will encounter mechanical or mindset opportunities.



A business has multiple components that must function properly for it to work. I call these components the "mechanics" of a business.


The mechanical components of a business include...

- Operations – Your product or service

- Marketing – Attracting new prospects

- Sales – Converting prospects to customers

- Employees – Drivers or Detractors of your business

- Finance – Managing your money

- Growth – Ability to scale

- Legacy – What you leave behind

- You – Effectiveness as a leader


Each one of these mechanical components can be measured and improved to give your business machine the best shot at success.



Since companies are made up of people, the thoughts and feelings of those people play a critical role in the company's success. 


The mindset conditions of your people are...

- Victim - I lose

- Conflict - I win, You Lose

- Acceptance - I win...

- Compassion - You Win

- Opportunity - Win/Win

- Synergy - Everyone Wins

Each of these thought-feeling patterns create a different result in your company. These thoughts and feelings are called "mindset", and can be the difference between success and failure for your company. 

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Lisa Stull, MS, LMFT, CGT
Owner, Comprehensive Counseling Solutions, LLC

Jeff helped me to learn the difference between managing my business to becoming an entrepreneur. I went from a solo psychotherapy practice, to running The Center for Well-Being, a wellness leasing company, owning Aesthetics 360 Face and Body Center, with 9 employees focused on helping people look and feel their best, and added a therapist to my psychotherapy practice. I'm now a full Entrepreneur!! Thank you, Jeff, highly recommend his straight forward, challenging approach to help you achieve your goals.

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Introducing Mechanics & Mindset Business Coaching

Business owners are faced with mindset and mechanics challenges on a daily basis. 


Business coaching gives you an objective perspective of chronic challenges that you're facing in in your business. It could be pricing, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, investment capital, growth strategies, work/life balance, or a myriad of other business challenges. The key to your success is getting out of the thoughts and emotions of your daily stress. 

That's exactly what I do. I meet with you once a week for 1-hour. You bring up whatever topic you want to work on for that week. I ask questions to gain clarity about your topic. I help you see your topic in an objective way. Now that you see the topic for what it is, you can plot out the perfect plan to address your challenge.


Some action plans will be mechanical in nature. You may need to hire a book keeper to get your books in order. You may need to give a valuable employee a retention compensation package.


Some action plans will work on your mindset. Your action may be a gratitude exercise to improve your mindset around what you have instead of focusing on negative events. You may do one of my popular "climbing the ladder" exercises and pick the best thought for your situation.


Each action plan will specifically target the nature of challenge you face and transform it into an opportunity for growth.

When you turn challenges into opportunities, you'll see your business grow, and your demeanor improve. Family, friends, employees and customers will notice the positive change. So will your bank account.


I don't know if you're a good candidate for business coaching. The best way to find out is to sign up for a free Discovery Session. A Discovery Session is an opportunity to share your challenges with me and see how I'd help you turn your problems into opportunities.

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Joe Staib
CEO & Owner, Enabled Energy, Inc.

I have known and worked with Jeff for many years. Our paths reconnected several years ago when I asked Jeff to get involved in my company's Advisory Board. As usual, Jeff went above and beyond the call of duty during that engagement. Since that time, Jeff has worked with many of the leaders on my team. We have enjoyed much growth in our thinking, decision making, and overall corporate performance. I can't recommend Jeff enough! You can count on Jeff being thoughtful, thorough, creative, and both strategic and tactical at the same time. Chances are he's been where you are and can help you get to the next step.

Industry Experience

I advise and mentor my clients based on decades of business experience. Unethical business coaches claim to be proficient in any business as if each industry is the same. They're not.  I am showing you my level of experience in each business industry I coach.

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Energy Service Company



My experience is greatest as the owner of an Energy Service Company or ESCo. I understand this industry well and coach CEO's, business development, solution development, engineering, construction, organization and business strategy. Related industries include engineering firms, construction companies, HVAC contractors, lighting contractors and others in the green energy industry.

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Service-Based Business



I have a strong understanding of service-based businesses and what it takes for them to succeed. I have successfully coached restauranteurs, insurance agencies, childcare centers, therapists, HVAC contractors, and other service-based business owners. Since I have not directly operated these companies, I do not give industry-specific advice on industry-specific mechanics.

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Other Companies



I coach business owners in other industries including small retailers and small manufacturers. I'm great at coaching mindset challenges and simple mechanics for these business owners. I'm limited in how I can advise product-based companies with distribution, supply-chains and manufacturing processes.

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Baltazar Peña
Owner, Las Palmeras Mexican Restaurant

Being an entrepreneur has always been my passion. Any extra education or thought process came from personal experience, self help books, cd’s or the internet. Once I decided to get a business coach, I skipped several people and chose Jeff. His background in business and being a Christian made my decision much easier. I have come to know him and found he is a man of great moral character. He understands the business world and the people it takes to run them. I’ve learned a different and better way to approach my challenges in business and in life. Thank you Jeff for teaching me a new way to improve myself and my business.

Glass Buildings

My Prices

Discovery Session



1-Hour to learn what is best for you

Business Mechanics & Mindset Assessment


One-Time Cost

(2-Online Assessments plus 3-hour Debrief)

One Coaching Session

per Month


per Month

Cancel Anytime

Two Coaching Sessions

per Month


per Month

Cancel Anytime


Coaching Sessions

per Month


per Month

Cancel Anytime

Anson Thompson
Insurance Ninja, The Thompson Group

I hired Jeff to help me move from a top producing salesperson to the position of sales management. Through his coaching, he showed me a path to success. Since engaging Jeff, I have referred more than ten people to him for his coaching services. If you are thinking about adding a coach, I strongly recommend you reach out to Mr. Schuster. His energy assessment tool is simply amazing and can help you figure out what changes or moves you need to make to create your dream life.

5-Steps to Business Coaching Success

- 1 -

Discovery Session

You start with a no-cost, 1-hour Discovery Session to describe your current situation, and your hopes and dreams. We discuss solutions that help you achieve those dreams.

- 2 -
Business Assessment

You complete two online assessments: 1) The mechanics assessment on business mechanics; and 2) The mindset assessment that illustrates how your thoughts affect your business. 

- 3 -
Set Goals & Objectives

We spend 3-hours reviewing your assessment results. At the end of the session, you set specific goals you want to achieve for your business and your life.

- 4 -
Purchase Package

 If we decide business coaching is a fit, I e-mail you a contract for coaching for 1, 2 or 4 sessions per month. You decide to purchase or not.  

- 5 -



You make progress on your goals and objectives through periodic 1-hour coaching sessions and action plans.


You will be amazed at how quickly you make progress on topics that have blocked you for years!

  • How is Jeff Schuster different than other business coaches?
    Jeff Schuster combines over 30-years of business experience with life coaching skills to help his clients break through external and internal obstacles. This experience includes starting, growing, and selling a multi-million-dollar business. This means you get business knowledge and experience that you won't get from life coaches. You also gain mindset coaching that business consultants lack. Jeff offers a diverse set of coaching methods including: individual coaching, online training, and workshops. All of his services are more affordable than expensive business coaches and more effective than life coaches posing as business experts.
  • How much time will I invest in a coaching relationship?
    You will invest an hour for each coaching session. Homework will be assigned at the end of each coaching session and is completed prior to the next coaching session. This homework is designed to integrate with your current work load and move you forward in the objectives you’ve identified within the coaching relationship. A good rule of thumb is to plan on 1-hour in coaching, and another 2-3 hours completing homework. The amount of time will increase as the frequency of coaching increases. Most clients make substantial progress in key areas of their business within 12-coaching sessions.
  • What frequency of individual coaching sessions should I sign up for?
    I offer 1, 2 and 4 coaching session per month packages. The frequency of coaching sessions will set the pace for your progress. If you feel like you want to move at a slower pace, monthly coaching sessions may be most appropriate for you. If you want to move at a fast pace, weekly sessions will be the best fit. If you pick the wrong frequency to start off, we can always alter the frequency to suit your needs.
  • How long is my coaching contract?
    Each coaching package is a month-to-month commitment. You may cancel anytime if you're not experiencing the progress you expect.
  • What is your coaching style?
    In business coaching there are two distinct obstacles that my clients experience: 1) internal; and 2) external. An internal obstacle is a way of thinking that prevents my client from moving forward. When I encounter an internal obstacle, I use Life Coaching skills; and ask powerful open-ended questions to help my clients expand their thinking to navigate their way forward. An external obstacle is often based on a lack of knowledge, finances or inexperience. I either advise my client, if I have the required knowledge, or we strategize on methods of overcoming this obstacle. I combine both techniques in coaching sessions to ensure my clients achieve the success they desire.
  • What results can I expect?
    Results vary from client to client based on their stated goals in our coaching relationship. Most clients achieve financial results in excess of fees they pay me as their coach. My clients improve their business finances by gaining more clients and increasing profitability. Coaching clients gain: vision, clarity, leadership skills, communication skills, work/life balance, life enjoyment, finance skills, and ability to delegate. At the end of the initial Discovery Session, I'll give you an expectation of how I can help and the results you can expect to achieve.
  • How do you conduct coaching sessions?
    All coaching sessions are conducted over a Zoom call. You will get calendar invites for each coaching session. You can use your video cameria in the call, or use audio only. Most calls are scheduled between 8 am and 5 pm (U.S.Mountain Time), Monday through Friday.
  • How do you keep my sensitive information confidential?
    We will routinely discuss information that is confidential in nature. My clients share personal life situations as well as proprietary business information with me in our coaching sessions. A confidentiality agreement is part of every coaching contract. I don't share information you share with me in a coaching session unless you authorize me in writing. In cases where I coach competitors within the same industry, I divulge the nature of the potential conflict to my clients in advance.
  • How can I see if business coaching is right for me?
    The best way to determine if you will benefit from business coaching with me, is to have a conversation with me. I offer a free 1-hour long Discovery Session. This is NOT a sales pitch on coaching. I will ask questions about your business and how you think that coaching can help you. In the majority of my Discovery Sessions, I recommend a different path than business coaching. If you want to schedule a Discovery Session, you can slick on one of the many buttons and schedule your call any time. The scheduling button accesses my calendar and you can pick an open spot for your Discovery Session.

© Copyright 2021 Mechanics & Mindset Business Coaching

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